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CCM Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for funding, the CCM must comply with the following six Eligibility Requirements:

Eligibility Requirement 1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process
Eligibility Requirement 2: Open and transparent PR selection process
Eligibility Requirement 3: Oversight planning and implementation
Eligibility Requirement 4: CCM membership of affected communities, including and representing people
                                                living with diseases and of people from and representing Key Affected

Eligibility Requirement 5: Processes for electing non-government CCM members
Eligibility Requirement 6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs

The Global Fund Secretariat monitors compliance of the CCM with these requirements on a yearly basis and with every new CCM application for funding.

1. Transparent and inclusive concept note development process

The CCM needs to coordinate the development of all concept notes through transparent and documented processes that engage a broad range of stakeholders - including CCM members and non-members – in the solicitation and the review of activities to be included in the application. The CCM must ensure to engage key populations in the development of concept notes, including most-at-risk populations, and document the respective efforts.

2. Open and transparent PR selection process

The CCM is responsible for the nomination of one or more Principal Recipients (PRs), using clearly defined and objective criteria, at the time of submission of their application for funding. The CCM shall document this process as well as the management of any potential conflicts of interest that may affect the PR nomination process.

3. Oversight planning and implementation

Considering the importance of oversight, the CCM shall submit and follow an oversight plan for all financing approved by the Global Fund. The plan must detail oversight activities, and must describe how the CCM will engage program stakeholders in oversight, including CCM members and non-members, and in particular non-government constituencies and people living with and/or affected by the diseases. Download the Ghana CCM Oversight Plan here.

4. CCM membership of affected communities

This eligibility requirement aims at CCM membership of people living with HIV and of people affected by TB or malaria in the CCM. People affected by TB or malaria include people who have lived with these diseases in the past or who come from communities where the diseases are endemic. This criteria shall ensure the integration of human rights principles, including non-discrimination, gender equality and participation of key affected populations, throughout the grant life cycle. The increasing representation of people living with the diseases (PLWD) and key affected populations (KPs) on the CCM will contribute to a robust country dialogue and the development of concept notes that are fully aligned with the epidemiological context and focus on high-impact interventions on target populations.

5. Processes for electing non-government CCM member

All CCM members representing non-government constituencies must be selected by their own constituencies based on a documented, transparent process, developed within each constituency. This requirement applies to all non-government members, but not to multilateral and bilateral partners.

6. Management of conflict of interest on CCMs

The CCM shall develop and publish a policy to manage conflict of interest that applies to all CCM members, across all CCM functions. The policy must state that CCM members will periodically declare conflicts of interest affecting themselves or other CCM members. The policy must state, and CCMs must document, that members will not take part in decisions where there is an obvious conflict of interest, including decisions related to oversight and selection or financing PRs or SRs. The CCM shall apply its conflict of interest policy throughout the life of Global Fund grants, and present documented evidence of its application to the Global Fund on request. Download the Ghana CCM Conflict of Interest Policy here.

Find more information on the Eligibility Requirements of CCMs in the e-learning course of the Global Fund.