Oversight Committee Members

One of the key functions of the CCM is to oversee grant implementation to ensure that Global Fund grant money is used properly and effectively, and that scheduled activities are implemented in a timely and effective manner. The CCM has therefore constituted an oversight committee with two sub-committees, one for Malaria/RSSH and one for both HIV/TB of which the latter reflects the joint funding request submission for the two diseases.

Each Oversight Committee has 7-9 members. Each committee shall comprise the following four core competences:

  • Financial Management
  • Programme Management
  • Procurement and Supply Chain Management and
  • Disease Expertise.

To ensure the presence of these core competences, the oversight committees may be composed of CCM members as well as co-opted members. Thereby, a maximum of seven members shall be CCM members and a minimum of two members shall be co-opted members. The three sectors of the CCM shall be represented at each Oversight Committee, however, there shall not be more than one representative per constituency in the same Committee. Staff of Principal Recipients who is directly involved in the implementation of Global Fund grants may not be a member of an oversight committee to avoid conflict of interest.

The Oversight Committee members are selected and approved by the CCM in a transparent and documented manner. Selection of Oversight Committee members is ongoing. Membership on the Oversight Committee is three years with the option to renew for one additional three-year term. Members leaving the Oversight Committees shall be replaced as soon as possible.

Composition of the HIV/TB and Malaria Oversight Committees:


Other membership requirements include:

  1. Only individuals with dedication and sufficient time to carry out the oversight activities described in the Oversight Plan shall become members of the Oversight Committees.
  2. The committees will each include a member representing People Living With Disease (PLWD) and another representing the Key Populations (KP) constituencies. Effort shall be made to ensure each committee has some gender balance.
  3. Oversight Committee members of the Ghana CCM do not have alternates.
  4. The Oversight Committees may develop a pool of technical experts outside of the Committee or CCM members. The Oversight Committees may periodically engage these experts to provide advice to the Committees; however, these technical experts are not considered permanent Committee members.
  5. The Chair of each Oversight Committee must be a CCM member (either substantive or alternate).
  6. Violation of the rules in the CCM Governance Manual by an Oversight Committee member or failure to attend Committee meetings for three times in one calendar year shall result in member dismissal.
  7. If a member of an Oversight Committee resigns or is removed, a replacement member from the same sector will be selected by the full CCM.