Accelerating access to prevention and treatment of tuberculosis towards attaining the MDGs
- To reduce by 20% the 2013 TB prevalence baseline level of 286 per 100,000 person population by 2020 in line with post 2015 Global TB control Strategy;
- To reduce by 35% the 2012 TB mortality rate baseline of 4 deaths per 100,000 person population by 2020;
- To end the TB epidemic in Ghana by 2035 without catastrophic cost due to TB affected families.
Screen, detect early, and enroll new susceptible cases with increased focus on TB case detection in 90 high burden districts (click map to enlarge);
- Conduct TB screening among key affected populations;
- Promote early detection and treatment of 100% of confirmed MDR-TB (multi drug resistant TB) cases;
- Attain higher treatment success from 84% in 2012 to 91% by 2020 through improved quality clinical care and community TB care; and
- Increase co-ordination of TB and HIV activities and uptake of ART coverage among co-infected patients.
Planned activities:
- Ensure intensified and systematic screening for TB of all patients attending health facilities, with special focus on 90 high burden districts based on reported TB cases;
- Conduct pro-active case finding activities in risk groups and vulnerable populations;
- Promote extensive use of new technology for screening (digital Xray) and diagnosis (Xpert);
- Ensure early detection and treatment of 100% of confirmed MDR-TB cases;
- Task shifting in order to accommodate the anticipated workload increase in targeted districts;
- Facilitate TB and HIV collaborative activities: Create 50 new TB/HIV sites providing test kits, ARVs and CTX; screen all PLHIV enrolled on treatment twice in a year; integrate service supervision for jointly planned activities; support ART clinics to perform TB screening including the use of Xpert for all PLHIV with abnormal Xray.
Target Group/Beneficiaries:
- General population
- Pregnant women and children
- TB/HIV co-infected patients
- MDR-TB patients
- Diabetics, miners and prisoners
Find an article on experiences with TB contact tracing undertaken by the NGOs WAAF and Ghana TB Voice Network here